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Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
N NEVIL PUMPS +cogwheel 7
N NIMBUS +drop & cogwheel 4
N in devnagari +cogwheel 44
N.P.M.W +cogwheel & wreath 35
N.P.M.W. +cogwheel & wreath 6
NAHTA SKY +cogwheel & arcs 3
NAKSHI +tree & cogwheel 20, 35
cogwheel 42
NAMADHU TV.COM +cogwheel 41
NAMCO +cogwheel 7
NAMOTOOLS +cogwheel & circl 7, 8
NARESH engg steel +cogwheel 11
NARINDRA +cogwheel 7
cogwheel 20
NASM +cogwheel 19
NATIONAL AGRO +cogwheel 7
cogwheel 16
NAVDEEP +cogwheel 7
NAVJIVAN +plant & cogwheel 7
NAVYUG +cogwheel 8
NAW +cogwheel 7, 12
NCOME +pen & cogwheel 16
cogwheel 7
cogwheel 41
NE ADITYA +cogwheel 7
NE NAGI +cogwheel 7
NEUGART +cogwheel 7
NEW HB spices +cogwheel 30
NEW RAJINDRA +cogwheel plan 7
cogwheel 7
cogwheel 41
NEWMAX +cogwheel 7
NEWSHA +cogwheel 7
NEWTECH +cogwheel & squares 9
NG INDIA +man & cogwheel 9
NG NANDINI GEARS +cogwheel 7
NGI +cogwheel hand & hammer 12
NI NAVYA +cogwheel 12
cogwheel 7
NIDUS PHARMA +cogwheel arcs 5
NIEM +cogwheel & plants 16
NIF +cogwheel 6, 7, 20
NIFESM +cogwheel 41
NILAMM +cogwheel 41
cogwheel 5
NIOMI ENERGY +cogwheel arcs 11
NIRMAL PARIWAR +cogwheel 35
NIS +cogwheel & oval 9
NISHA +cogwheel 12
NISHA spares +cogwheel 7
cogwheel 6
NIWT +cogwheel & circles 41
NIXEL LUBES +cogwheel flame 4
NIZAM supari +cogwheel 31
NKR RAJASREE +cogwheel 31
NLT gears +cogwheel 12
NM +cogwheel & spool 7
NMC +cogwheel 7
NMF +cogwheel & arrows 7
NMO +cogwheel 35
NN +cogwheel 7
NOM NOM MUM +cogwheel 5
NOORUL ISLAM NICE +cogwheel 41
NOP +cogwheel & circle 7, 9
NORD +cogwheel 7, 9
NORSE INFOTECH +cogwheel 42
NORTEK +cogwheel & containe 7, 35
NORZO +stars cogwheel ribbo 30
NOT JUSS COFFY +cogwheel 9, 42
NOVA +cogwheel & square 7
NOVELVISTA +cogwheel 41
NOZAG +cogwheel 7
NRC industries +cogwheel 7
NRI +cogwheel 7
NSGV +cogwheel & plants 7
NSP +cogwheel 7
NST +star circle & cogwheel 37
NT +cogwheel & circle 42
NT NAYANA TRUST +cogwheel 45
NTE ATAL +cogwheel 8
NTR +cogwheel 7
NTR +circle & cogwheel 7
NU NIRMAN udyog +cogwheel 9
NUPUR BIOFFER +cogwheel 1
NUTRA-N +arcs & cogwheel 1
NVT +arcs & cogwheel 7
NYCTA +cogwheel & squares 41
O.M.S.O. +cogwheel triangle 7
OAI +plant cogwheel & oval 35
OAI +plant & cogwheel 7
OAW +cogwheel 6, 7, 8
OBC +cogwheel 7
OBS GREEN EXPRESS +cogwheel 39
OCAB +cogwheel & arcs 17
OCTOPLUS +arcs cogwheel ova 35
ODM +cogwheel & circle 7, 12
cogwheel 12
OEKS +cogwheel 12
OEP +cogwheel & arrows 37
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